Monday, October 15, 2007

Not only is church free, apparently they pay you.

I went back to church yesterday. And I may have gotten a job from going.

No, I am not going to become a nun.

As the -- what would you call it? The ceremony? The show? The SERVICE! -- service ended, once again people came over to talk to me as though I were a celebrity. And does this town kill me at all? One woman said, "I hear you're going back to get your car this week!"

And you are...?

For some reason, it doesn't bother me that everyone is up in my grille. I do have a blog, after all. You all know it when I scratch my watch or wind my ass.

After I signed autographs and worked the crowd, I was on my way back to those snacks when the minister asked if he could talk to me. Seems the church secretary quit and he heard (of course) I'd had an interview this week, so was I interested?

So, in an hour and a half, I am going to CLIMB the HILL and go talk to him. This kills me. I love the idea of being church secretary. I mean, if it's full time, I can't do it, as I am still working part time and charging a fortune to LA clients. But if it's 20 hours a week?

I am so getting sweater sets in every color, and also cat-eye glasses with sparkles on the sides. Don't think I won't. I am going to be just like that annoying secretary in the Mitford series, who says "peedaddle" all the time.

Perhaps I should remember that it is called a church service if I take this job.


Anonymous said...

I always love you posts after the weekend. Check it out--that is, the job for the church. Could be another way of meeting people and you could walk to work, rather than drive TWO hours if you take the one in WS. How in the world do they know all these details of your life? I suppose that's part of life in a small town.

Anonymous said...

Now you're Church Lady June!! Go Girl

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would be good to go through the formal training the church probably provides to new or potential members. There is probably an entire vocabulary you will need to have a passing knowledge of now that you will be the church lady. Besides, if you really become a member of this church you will need to know what they stand for, what they believe in and all that dogma stuff. I know they have women priests and gay bishops, so I'm all for it. Do they believe in transubstantiation or is the bread and wine a symbol? Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Does Office Barbie have one sunglass lens and one plain one, or has she recently had cataract surgery?

Megan O. said...

I love your posts--never a dull moment over at "ByeByeBuy"! I'm starting to wonder if you're making all this up-- you expect us to believe that you're now considering becoming the church secretary? :) It is just a little too "Mitford" (I loved those books by the way). Can't wait to find out what will happen next in this drama that is your life!

Anonymous said...

You gotta be kidding me! What I want to know is, Why did you go to church in the first place?

June Cutoff Cash said...

Because I was invited, and because I try to keep an OPEN MIND about other people and their beliefs.

Musings of a Housewife said...

This is classic. I can't wait to hear the next installment.

Lisa said...

Not really on topic but I am obsessed with all the little things they make for Barbie. Obviously we have many Barbie books and I am just fascinated by the tiny juice boxes and beach shovels.

Anonymous said...

You can be Mrs. A-Wiggins! I'll send you a pencil sharpener RIGHT NOW.